Was an enormous Draco reptilian “cube” near the Kuiper Belt just destroyed?

I just spent the good part of two hours with jaw agape, first listening to a 45 minute audio on Kauilapele’s site and then reading through a new post on John Kettler’s site, including a long long comment section.

Both these posts were created on May 26th and referenced the same purported event, a stealth operation by the “Silver Legion” in the early morning hours of May 20th, to take out an enormous stationary 31 mile “cube” near the Kuiper Belt guarded by 100,000 nasty Draco reptilians with 5000 tortured human souls aboard and a mission, in part, as a machine disinfo source beaming to Earth through various channelers versions of soothing and repeated reassurances that everything is okay, all is in order and on schedule and in control. This AI programming is (was?) designed to keep humans passive and disempowered.

I know it all sounds so “out of this world” as to be crazy. But when you get it two ways, from two different websites — who have different sources? That’s not clear to me. It may be the same source . . .

In any case, if true, if one enormous source of disinfo programming has been neutralized, and if 5000 captured souls have been liberated, it’s very good news.

You might want to pay attention to this material. I’m glad I did.

kauilapele: Tolec Interview of Tanaath of Silver Legion 5-26-12… “Draco Reptilian Cube Destroyed”… Video and MP3s

johnkettler: ETs/EDs Win Crushing Victory–Wipe Out Elite Force!

And see this, for more of the technical details:

silverlegion.org: Operations Cube Stomp and Sweater

About Ann Kreilkamp

PhD Philosophy, 1972. Rogue philosopher ever since.
This entry was posted in 2012, as above so below, UFO/ET, Uranus square Pluto, waking up, wild new ideas. Bookmark the permalink.

15 Responses to Was an enormous Draco reptilian “cube” near the Kuiper Belt just destroyed?

  1. gcgrann says:

    Hi Ann! Well, something’s going on. I can’t access the silverlegion site. Sometimes (like today) it feels as if I’m living in a holodeck program. Thanks for sharing. Blessings. Gillian

  2. the dave says:

    It IS incredible – but at the same time, the GF started talking about accomplishing this in at least 1998, maybe earlier. Of course, that doesn’t mean anything by itself, but now so many sources have come out over the years that seem to be saying the same thing, that it might be even stranger to think that all of these people, – channelers and insiders – all went cray and all are saying the same illusory story…

    What is the alternative to this being true (the reptilian cube story)? Two people are making up a fantasy and enjoy the attention they get from their story? They don’t make money – and they don’t get a lot of support from friends and family – usually they lose standing.

    It’s hard to believe because we’ve never heard anything like it, but truth is stranger than fiction – and I believe, where there’s smoke, there’s fire…

  3. Thank you Ann. You are a brave soul.

  4. Joy Shayne Laughter says:

    Thanks, Ann. I’ve been mildly interested in SaLuSa channelings in the past, but lately it’s quite boring. That “boring” feeling, I think, is one of the major signals that a message is not useful. I won’t go so far as to say it’s an infallible sign that a message is “false”, because different people are going to resonate with different notes.

  5. Jewelz says:

    In his recent interview with Geoffrey West, Tolec does not understand what is going on with the arrest and how that will happen. He does not understand how disclosure of our galactic family ties in with earths and humanities preparation in a run up to ascension.

    Or does he understand what the transition period for ascension is about and what needs to happen with earths population and how that will occur in quick time. It is not difficult to figure out. He dances around questions giving other answers and then asks if he answered the question good enough as if to be polite for not actually answering what was asked.

    There are things he cannot discuss, because he just does not know things that are rather elementary in order for a transition to take place, in preparation for earths ascension in a very short period of time. He thinks 10 years. They have not been talking about the momentous year 2012 for thousands of years in our history for no reason. .

    Not many folks can fathom what is about to take place on planet earth like never before and he is one of them. It’s just too much information to wrap the mind around, it is all literally out of this world, because it is not of this particular world and smart people cannot get out of the left brain box of trying to reason with their logical mind. It does not work for ascension. Ascension is a right brain operation if you desire to get to that place of understanding.

    All of the events that are about to unfold upon us, are designed to help transition the Human Doing population to that place we are gravely unfamiliar with, the process of what Being Human is about..

    The gravity and magnitude is on a majestic level, it is designed to keep you still standing and breathing of course, but that is about it.

    Your mind is about to be devastated in order to break it down, so everyone is able to learn new things that are foreign to them, like the truth, of which they are currently not familiar with. All in order to learn to behave properly, should anyone decide to be a part of living in a new world of unity of consciousness in the very near future.

    Tolec, Ben Fulford, Drake, David Wilcock and others do not know how to help prepare anyone’s mind for that great feat and they are at a total loss as to what to do about what they do not know. They are simply selling everyone left brain news information they think you need to know, when you really don’t.

    It’s just news for Human Doings, it is NOT the truth about the Human Being, of which, everyone is about to receive an education on like never before. People in 3rd world countries don’t need to know left brain news information. They can think with their hearts. That is all that is required in order to ascend when the time arrives in the very near future..

    The very grave problem for most people is that, you cannot think with your heart when everyone is living deeply immersed in a left brain fiction world that is a total and complete lie, which is not real and authentic to the true inherent nature of the Human Being.

  6. Exo Human says:

    “Was an enormous Draco reptilian “cube” near the Kuiper Belt just destroyed?” No. Has a source of disinfo been destroyed? No — THIS story is disinfo.

    It’s a reality check. An opportunity to wise-up and get real.

    • Curious: did you listen/read, or did you just pronounce. For myself, I was surprised that it felt so compelling, since I’ve got a pretty long shit-detector. On the other hand, that the stories seemed to be sourced from the same place made me pause.

    • K-Pax says:

      What’s the significance of the word ‘this’ being capitalized? lol – Is there another STORY?
      p.s. ‘wise-up’ should not be hyphenated; but then you already knew that, lol.

      • I just looked through the post, and didn’t see a capitalized “this” . . . And “wise-up” — oops, but do I need to go through the story again for This (joke!). I think not. . . Hyphens were always a favorite subject for my husband. He’d put way more in than I would.

  7. I stopped reading Kettler stuff when I read his FAQ page…he seems more on the dark side than those he listed as disinfo agents of his FAQ page….not saying this story might be true, but I consider the source and his snarky attitude.{ sure isn’t love for his fellow lightworkers and his sidekick {Sunfire} just adds to the snarkiness}

    • I agree, his personality is not one I’d probably feel comfortable with, in person. But then, as my Mom used to tell me, “Ann, it takes all kinds.” He does seem to have a cops ‘n robbers shoot ’em up attitude, like a kid that got stuck at about 12 years of age. But hey, who knows? I want to keep my mind as open as I can, but there’s a fine line between all sorts of things, and it’s sometimes hard to see, that’s for sure!

  8. I plan to read further but with just reading here I can only add that such a cube had been infiltrated a very very long time ago …

    And those light consciousness of souls whom had yet remained held hostage by these diabolical reptilians … were held there as to maintain the function of not only the cube … but their bodies in stasis there would have keep their consciousness entrapped in the Mother Earth Matrix …

    And what I am sensing is that the stasis chambers in which these souls of light consciousness were being detained … have been taken by beam transit into a distant city size Mothership, which have not long since been reactivated and raised to sit in their own enclosed pocket of open space …. where such a space is referred to as a “Heaven”, and a Higher dimensional reality …

    And the taking of these stasis chambers, would have allowed the cube to be reclaimed by their rightful assigned keepers … this will also mean the 5000 count freed from the cube … would also equal a 5000 count freed from their seemingly eternal reincarnation cycle here in the Mother Earth matrix …

    These would have been the true royal elite consciousness of high DNA Kings and Queens …

    This would also mean a lot more of those diabolical celestials of reptilian cabals and a lot more of those sinister celestials of the satanic elite would have also left the Mother Earth Matrix …

    Now I’ll go and read your link ..

  9. isis2012 says:

    In reading this … I can only add that such a Cube is an Ancient facility which had long since fallen out of place, infiltrated and taken over by the diabolical reptilians a very very long time ago … it was never property of these evil reptilians …

    And those light consciousness of souls whom had yet been held hostage by these diabolical reptilians … were held there as to maintain the function of not only the Cube …

    But the bodies in stasis of these souls held in the Cube … would have kept the consciousness of these souls entrapped here in the Mother Earth Matrix …

    And what I am seeing is that the stasis chambers in which these souls of light consciousness were being detained … have been taken by beam transit into a distant city size Mothership, which have not long since been reactivated and raised to sit in their own enclosed pocket of open space …. such a space is referred to as a “New Heaven”, and a Higher dimensional reality …

    And the taking of these stasis chambers, would have allowed the cube to be reclaimed by their rightful assigned keepers … this will also mean the 5000 count freed from the cube … would also equal a 5000 count freed from their seemingly eternal reincarnation cycle here in the Mother Earth matrix …

    These would have been the true royal elite consciousness of high DNA Kings and Queens … whom had been kept in a state of forgetfulness … until now …

    This would also mean a lot more of those diabolical celestials of reptilian cabals and a lot more of those sinister celestials of the satanic elite would have also left the Mother Earth Matrix …

    Now I don’t see this Cube being destroyed .. it is a very important facility during these time … see HERE .. http://isis2012return.multiply.com/tag/mecca%20stone

    But I do see the Cube being reclaimed, it’s original control module being but back in place, and repaired which would have allowed it to activate new codes and the automatic process of quantum leap …

    Such a process of quantum leap may have caused the Cube to appear as if it had been destroyed in a implosions of a bright light … yet such a bright light appears at specific marks of quantum leap …..

    We are in wonderful times …

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