Charles Eisenstein: “Not factual, but mythological truth: There does seem to be a conspiracy running inside my psyche . . .

. . . that keeps me enslaved to fear and greed; that indeed possesses technologies of mind control; that presents the whole world through a filter of lies; that is associated somehow with the reptilian part of my brain; that manipulates me to serve an agenda inimical to my authentic happiness. Everything that the Illuminati are purported to do to the world, we do to ourselves. Could it be that when we see an evil cabal controlling the world, we are actually seeing the projection of our own egos?”

imgres-1Eisenstein nails it. Everything starts within me and projects out into the world — which itself, is not “one world” but “many worlds,” consisting of the myriads of constantly mutating relationships and perspectives created, entertained, and acted upon by all humans and other beings with free will and agency. All that I see “out there” is “in here” in some form, and actually attracts “outside” events to mirror what is inside! Whatever we think, and intend, we make it come true! Which means: there is no sense in trying to figure out what is going on “out there.” As for example, I was trying to do here. Rather, go inside, decide what direction I want to go in, and act on that decision.

That IS what I’m doing “in reality,” i.e., in MY local world. The wide-ranging conjecture that I contemplate otherwise in this blog is, from Eisenstein’s (and my own, always has been, though I do get distracted) meta point of view, mere entertainment, mental masturbation. Do I want to continue? Possibly not.

Another part of me: “But it’s so much fun!”

Well then, find a way to use language that continuously, inherently, conveys this meta perspective. Got it, Ann?

Synchronicity, Myth, and the New World Order

About Ann Kreilkamp

PhD Philosophy, 1972. Rogue philosopher ever since.
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2 Responses to Charles Eisenstein: “Not factual, but mythological truth: There does seem to be a conspiracy running inside my psyche . . .

  1. Kieron says:

    I’ve long felt great respect for his thinking, ever since reading “The Yoga of Eating.” I recommend that one.

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